Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Where's the Line?

At what point does blogging become ridiculous? I started a blog in high school to document my personal life, a sort of more portable personal diary, with definitely better security than those blank diary locks.

Then I started this blog for the Blue 2.0 materials, I had fun doing so. Next, I decided to move my wedding planning entries to a new, wedding-only blog so my family and friends could see what was up in the planning stages (so I could actually go about the business of planning without getting forty million calls and emails to interrupt me).

Now I have to do yet another blog for my LIS 637 course, blogging about some aspect of Web 2.0 technology. Which, to me, sounds less than productive. I'm supposed to be learning about Web 2.0 and already I'm supposed to come up with a take on some technology aspect and review other blogs on the topic?

So I've decided to write a blog about blogging, because it seems redundant and sufficiently well-covered in other, legitimate blogs. My blog already seems destined for obscurity and uselessness, which seems to go against the entire point of Web 2.0 philosophy. Not to mention the defeatist attitude that is the only reaction in my mind to this assignment.

Oh well. Bring on the doom.

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