I've actually had a blog before. Still do, actually. It's one of the largest on OpenDiary.com, which hasn't really kept up with the times in terms of technology and user freedoms.
Between my tendency to leave more unsaid for the time being and the fact that my former online refuge of confidences began in a now-embarrassing period of my high school days, I'm starting to think that total abandonment, or at least the attempt to seek a different outlet for the writings of the person I am now rather than the girl I was then, is a rather good idea.
So here I am, starting over on Blogger as an assignment for the Blue 2.0 training through my library assistantship. I'm interested in seeing how I approach "learning" how to use some of the technologies I'm already fully involved in, but I'm hoping the overall result will be that it'll be easier for me to teach people who haven't had the kind of exposure my generation has with greater ease and understanding. We'll see.
The hardest part was coming up with a name. Though oddly enough I found several blogs on the topic of "Help! I can't think of a name for my blog!" which were both helpful and often funny.
I'd like to post on a wide variety of topics currently important to my life: studying library science, my shih tzu, planning my wedding this summer, and the frustration of moving and living far from my family for the first time. I don't think I could incorporate this blog into the work I'm currently doing, but I can definitely see potential in learning to use it to incorporate in future projects and for the sheer joy of dealing with this type of technology.
What I'm secretly hoping for is to get enough raw material to start to try writing poetry and creative nonfiction (maybe even magazine article possibilities) again.
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I think blogging is a great way to get the "writing juices" flowing for other types of writing.
Welcome to Blue 2.0!!!
What a great post! Very thoughtful comments, Ash. Be sure, though, to drop me an e-mail with your real name at jen.bartlett@uky.edu so that you can get credit for all your hard work! :-)
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